Saturday, February 28, 2009


Here at Asbury, we have chapel on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 11:00. We're not required to attend them, but I went to virtually all of the Tuesday and Thursday chapels during the fall semester. The only reason I skipped Wednesdays was because I wanted to eat before work, and the only time for that during chapel. Anywho, I was quite proud of myself for making it to the majority of the main chapel services and couldn't imagine skipping them unless there were extenuating circumstances.
Now fast forward to the Spring term. I just finished my third week of classes, and I've been to chapel a total of two, count them TWO, times. What's happened to me?! I have classes at 8 AM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and I generally go back to my room and take a nap after them. I justify this by the fact that I work until midnight on Mondays, and I'm up late on Tuesdays and Wednesdays working on assignments and reading for the next day. But is this really fair? Chapels provide more than just a chance to worship as a community for an hour. Generally, we have really good preachers or speakers who come in. Granted, many of the speakers this semester have been professors at the Seminary, but they're still REALLY good. Additionally, I've yet to attend a chapel service where I didn't learn at least something.
I think there are two main reasons why I've been missing chapel, and they go hand in hand. One is laziness. For me to go to chapel, I have to get back up out of bed and trudge a couple of hundred yards to Estes Chapel. But is this really that much work? I mean, I do that for class, work, and especially food. Why can't I do it for God? The second reason goes hand in hand with this: procrastination. The reason I'm up past midnight during the first part of the week is because I've put off assignments until just a night or two before they're due. If I'd work on them later in the week when I have more free time, I wouldn't be so tired and I'd actually be more motivated to go to chapel.
This week, I've been thinking about what I could give up for Lent. To be perfectly honest I've not really wanted to give anything up (which I know isn't an excuse), but I'm going to try something different. I'm making kind of a Lenten resolution this season. I'm going to start going to chapel at least twice a week instead of sleeping that extra 45 minutes. Actually, I guess I am giving up a little sleep. Next I'll have to give up procrastinating, but I'll do that later...

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