Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Want...

One thing I really like about musicals is that it's quite easy to figure out what the main character's primary goals are. The reason it's so easy is because must musicals use a plot device called an "I Want" song. It usually occurs fairly early on in the musical and is sung by the lead character (after all the song IS about what they want). Whenever I'm listening to a musical that I'm not familiar with, I pay special attention to the I Want song.
I've been listening to the soundtrack from Shrek The Musical, and it seems to contain several such songs in there. There's one for Fiona (I Know It's Today), one for Shrek (Who I'd Be), there's kind of one for Donkey (Don't Let Me Go), and one for Lord Farquad (What's Up Duloc). From these songs, we learn that Fiona wants to be rescued from a tower by her prince and future husband to be, Shrek wants to be a hero who gets the girl, Donkey wants a friend, and Lord Farquad wants a perfect utopia (think The Giver). See how much we can learn from an I want song?
The text Dad used for his sermon today is Mark 10:35-45. This is where James and John ask Jesus if one can sit on His right and one on His left when He comes into glory. It's pretty easy to figure out what James and John wanted, and they were not afraid to ask for it. Dad ended his sermon by asking us what we would ask for. Since then, I've been wondering what my I want song would be. I really feel called to missions, and I really want to do that. But I also really like just about any form of art involving glass. And don't forget music! It'd be awesome to be a good arranger. Oh! And chemistry is really interesting too. So my answer is that I don't really know. What would be your I Want song? If only life were as simple as a musical...

1 comment:

  1. You know what I want? I want a new entry, lol!
